Cranberry Mulch

What is cranberry mulch?
Cranberry mulch is primarily comprised of cranberry leaves, along with small amounts of cranberries, vines and other leaves.  When the beds are flooded for harvest, the leaves and other debris from the bed float to the top with the berries.  This mixture is separated from the berries as they are pumped out of the bed and then hauled away in dump trucks.

This photo shows the berries being harvested. The truck at the back of the picture is collecting the cranberry leaves as they are pumped out of the bed with the berries.

Why do cranberry leaves make good mulch?
Cranberry leaves are a good mulch material for several reasons.  First, they improve moisture retention by not allowing the water to evaporate as quickly from the soil. Second, they help keep weeds from growing around your plants. Over an extended period of time, they break down and help add nutrients to the soil.

What plants benefit from cranberry mulch?
We find that cranberry mulch is especially helpful in aiding in moisture retention for bush plants like blueberries and rose bushes.  Because cranberry mulch decomposes slowly, it provides long-lasting coverage for plants. This photo shows cranberry mulch spread around new blueberry bush cuttings (marked by stakes).

How to calculate how much mulch you need
It is easy to figure out how much mulch you will need. Simply measure the size of the area you want to cover (assuming one inch thickness) and multiply the length by the width to get the number of square feet you need to cover. We offer cranberry mulch in three convenient sizes: Small (covers approx. 5 sq. feet), Medium (covers approx. 9 sq. feet) and Large (covers approx. 15 sq. feet).  Please refer to the Buy Mulch page for pricing and availability.

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